I feel like the month of May lasted forever and somehow I didn't get anything accomplished, it was the month with no end. Although as I sit here typing this up on the last day of May it suddenly seems like a really short month. Oh well, it is life. Feel free to read all about my May Goals here. Here is how May went (some good some not so good) and here are the big tasks that I would like to get accomplished this month.
May Recap
1- Manuscripts: Eh, not awesome. Our paper got rejected so I will be sending it back out tomorrow and I still haven't finished the second one (I can't find time to open the document).
2- Fitness: Neither of these really happened. It was a long month, maybe in June. Also the massive amount of rain really put a damper on my running.
3- Find an apartment: Success!! I put down a deposit and have an address!
4- Hire Movers and moving truck: yeah not so much
5- Quality time with Lily: It was better, although with the traveling and the rain I don't think we hit up Mutt's at all.
6- Read more: Success, I read a ton this month. Lots of that was done on an airplane but that is OK.
7- Schedule: Went to JAX and St. Louis, so that is good. My weekends are filling up and I still need to schedule a few more visits!
8- Read Textbook: Just carried it around.
I'm not going to lie, I had really hoped that I had done better in May. Sometimes it just feels like you are running in sand and nothing really gets accomplished. I am going to try and roll with this failure to complete tasks and not let it totally derail me... Not sure that is how things are going to work out but oh well.
June Goals
1- Manuscripts: Resubmit the first one and get a final draft of the other one together. I need to start adding this into my schedule (I always find something more fun to do).
2- Hire movers and truck: I am getting closer to making this happen, I am working out the final details.
3-Fitness: I would like to run 25 miles, at least 10-12 runs and I would like to get back into the swing of my strength training in the mornings.
4- Schedule: Visit San Antonio, spend time with friends. Enjoy the moment, my time is coming in Dallas is coming to an end and I am feeling panicked about it and I am afraid that I won't be able to enjoy it.
5-Lily: She needs more time together where I can focus on her. If it doesn't rain I would like to hit up the dog park once a week. I would also like to walk her in the morning for a mile, several days a week.
6- Packing: I would like to gather more boxes and pack 20-30 boxes. I need a specific number so that I will know that I have at least started on this task. In my mind it will only take a few hours to pack the whole apartment and that is probably a lie.
7- Say no to things that I don't want to attend. As my time in Dallas comes to a close I am done saying yes to events that I don't want to go to and I am committing to spending time with my friends when it works.
8- Read the textbook: at least the first five chapters and write down the top 5 topics for each chapter. I think this will help me plan out my schedule for the fall.
9- Look into finding a new planner for the school year.
Not going to lie the next 6-7 weeks are going to be super busy but I am going to try and enjoy every moment and find time to not panic. I cannot believe i will be a professor soon!!! Ahhh, so exciting.
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