Friday, January 10, 2014

Christmas Tree Delivery

Several weeks before Thanksgiving I saw an Amazon Deal for delivery of Christmas Tree. The deal was $55 for a 5-6 foot Douglass Fir, that would be delivered to my front door (from this company). I thought about the deal for several weeks before deciding to buy it. I wan't going to buy the deal since it was more expensive than a normal tree but I realized with the short holiday season it would be hard to find a time when someone with a truck or SUV would be able to help my buy a tree. So I got it.

Originally, my Christmas tree was supposed to be delivered on Friday the 6th. That happened to be the day of the ice storm so it was postponed until Tuesday. I was so excited to get my tree.

When I got home from judging the science fair it was sitting by my front door just waiting for me. At this moment I realized that I might have made a slightly critical error: I had no idea how I was going to get the tree into the stand or into my house. But as a single woman, with a Ph.D., I decided that I would figure this out... because I am not a weakling.

What a champ
I put the tree into the stand without removing the wrapping and then moved into onto my back porch to unwrap it. As I cut off the wrapping I realized that there were a ton of needles so I shook the tree as best as I could and then I let it sit for a bit to let the branches relax. I gave the tree about an hour while I ran to the grocery store to buy the stuff for Chili because that sounded wonderful since it was still freezing.

At this point I have the tree in the house… time for another critical error. I like to put a trash bag under the tree so that if I spill any water it doesn't ruin the carpet or anything else. However, you need to pick the tree up in order to get the bag underneath. In the end I opted for the slide it under one side and then the other. This was not graceful but I made it happen.

Then it was time to decorate the tree. I tend to take a long time putting the lights on and making sure that everything is even. Yeah, that didn't happen this year. I think I finished decorating the tree in about 45 minutes (it usually takes me about 90 minutes). I just wanted to get the tree up and sit down to enjoy the lights.

I loved having a tree the whole Christmas Season. Here are a few pics:

Taking down the tree was another adventure but it was nice to get it taken care of. Do you put up a tree? I love the smell of a Christmas tree and it makes me so happy to see the tree every time I walk out of my room.

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